Hot Weather

JWS approach to warmer temperatures:​​​​​​

Uniform in the Summer Term:

  • Students should come to school in their blazer and tie as normal
  • Jumpers do not need to be worn
  • (as normal) Students can take their blazer off in lesson. 

In line with our ethos, we expect them to make a polite request before doing so

  • (as normal) Students can remove blazers on the playground and field. 

In line with our ethos, we expect them to make themselves presentable before they come back into school.

Possible adaptations as temperatures rise during each day:

We will monitor the weather each day of the summer term, if the temperature in school requires adaptations, we will let students and staff know, these may include:

  • Students being allowed to remove blazers for the remainder of the day (folding them into their bags)

How parents can help:

  • Please remind your child to bring a water bottle to school
  • Please discuss the use of sunscreen
  • If your child is struggling with hotter weather encourage them to use the shaded areas or the dining room
  • Blazers and ties do not always find their way into students’ bags, please add their name to both so we can make sure that lost items can find their way back to their owner.

If extremely hot weather is forecast, we will contact you to share any emergency measure that we would put in place.